You can build an event around ANYTHING and we just did...The Door That Goes to Saturday

We are building an artistic event showcase at Cohere around an auto-correct. Amazing! Members are already creating using crochet, oil paint, writing, composing a single tweet (as their entire project) and on and on. This seems like it could expand to communities beyond ours. Any other spaces interested in doing the same and google hangout-ing the presentations on Sept 2nd at 10am MST?

Event description:

A member’s phone auto-corrected a phrase to “the door that goes to Saturday.”
This phrase is the most incredible phrase ever so we’re going to host our first ever artistic competition based on that phrase.

What is the door that goes to Saturday? Where is it? What does it look like? Who uses it? What happens when you walk through it? How do you find it?

Write a story, draw a picture, sing a song, make a diagram–whatever the door that goes to Saturday means to you, make it a reality.

We will present our creations to the group at Cohere before we depart on the Max Field Day Trip (that event coming soon too).
Plan to Create, Plan to Watch but Plan on coming to the door that goes to Saturday.
