What did you miss at the coworking europe conference? our recap podcast in two parts!

Hey gang!

Keeping up with tradition of years past, I just released both parts of our conference recap episode, A Survivor’s Guide to Coworking Europe Brussels. As we have in the previous post-conference episodes, we went through the conference day by day, including highlights and lowlights, and shared some of our hopes for what conferences in 2017 can do to help coworking really step up our game.

A big thank you to the Coworking Europe organizers for putting this event together. We’re critical in this episode, but I promise you that if we didn’t care about the conference, we wouldn’t bother saying anything at all.

On that note, we’re mapping our conference plans for the new year and thinking about the biggest things I want to see in 2017. At the top of the list, for me, are:

  • More coworking members speaking. Big kudos to Ashley Proctor & Coworking Canada for what I hear was an awesome member panel back in September. I’m sad I missed it in person.

  • Somebody, please be daring enough to break the mold of “day one pays for day two and day three” that we talk about in this episode. Tune in to see what we mean.

  • Special note: I’ve also been hearing about smaller, local, regional events happening. This is awesome. It’s my hope that these episodes can give you some tools and insights into how to make those events worthwhile for newbies and experienced folks alike.

Listen to part 1 (Coworking Weekly Episode 47)

Listen to part 2 (Coworkign Weekly Episode 48)

Or, if you use iTunes to listen and subscribe to your podcasts, this link will take you straight to the show.

I hope you enjoy :slight_smile: and please think about subscribing to the show to get new episodes!

We’re picking up the pace and looking for ways to use the podcast to bring this community together. In a lot of ways, the podcast has become one of my favorite ways to connect with folks…but it still feels kinda one directional.

So we’re trying some experiments to turn the megaphone around, starting with a special online event (free to attend!) coming up in January that we’ll be announcing first specifically to our my podcast subscribers to say thanks for tuning in and sharing the show.

I’m super, excited about that…and lots of other stuff we’re working on for 2017.

Happy holidays, friends!



The #1 mistake in community building is doing it by yourself.

Better Coworkers: http://indyhall.org

Weekly Coworking Tips: http://coworkingweekly.com

My Audiobook: https://theindyhallway.com/ten