Tool I built to share links and random information between my coworkers

Hi coworkers,

Firstly, I cannot believe that I have only now found this group. How have I not come across this before! My name is Craig and I’ve been working on my startup company from 3 different coworking locations in the UK for the past 14 months. And I’ve loved every minute of it.

As you probably agree, there’s so much you get from such an environment that you just can’t get from working at home. The chit-chat banter, the referrals on who can help you out when you need an accountant, seo expert etc, the support, creativity and the practicality of working from where the hell you feel like.

Over the last 2 months the coworking space that I cowork from have been using the software tool I built to help us communicate and collaborate better by sharing links, documents and pretty much anything we want between each-other in a single central location. And we have found it to be a great resource tool that I would like to share with the rest of you. If your having the same pain as we were and would like to check it out then please do so by visiting

This tool is something that I have built by myself over the last 14 months and if you find it useful or think that you know someone who may benefit from using such a tool then could you please help me spread the word out. I would really appreciate any help I can get.

If you have any questions then please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

Take care my fellow coworkers :slight_smile: