The new way of working- a piece in the magazine for UK accounting professionals

Thought you would would all find this piece that I recently contributed to interesting. UK article aimed at accountants who don’t know what coworking hubs are, and focussing largely on WeWork, but mentions of Impact Hub and The Guild. (same content, but in a magazine view)

Xenia is interested in other coworking angles, so worth bearing her in mind for any article ideas/pitches. She’s at @XeniaTaliotis on twitter

Great reading, lots of information. Can i just make a small note? i’d break up the text with some pics, and crank up the font. it makes a better reading experience and doesn’t make user abandon reading after the second paragraph!


On Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 10:30:46 AM UTC+1, Tom Lewis wrote:

Thought you would would all find this piece that I recently contributed to interesting. UK article aimed at accountants who don’t know what coworking hubs are, and focussing largely on WeWork, but mentions of Impact Hub and The Guild. (same content, but in a magazine view)

Xenia is interested in other coworking angles, so worth bearing her in mind for any article ideas/pitches. She’s at @XeniaTaliotis on twitter