hey @migration-squad, happy sunday!
This message is a quick test to see if I set up the ability to message special groups of members works correctly. If you get this message, please reply to say so .
The only people who can use the @migration-squad mention are admins, mods, and members of the group…so we don’t have to worry about folks outside of this group abusing it once we open up public registration. In group…please play nice and be considerate of other peoples’ inboxes
What I’m working on, and next steps…
So far, I’m streamlining the onboarding workflow to make it easy AND so that someone else can take over inviting new migration squad members soon.
I’m also working out the specific steps that are needed to start categorizing the archived threads, including a) cleaning up spammy posts that snuck through moderation, b) quickly choosing a category/subcategory for the thread, and c) a couple of other small cleanup steps.
In almost every case, categorizing a single thread takes less than 15 seconds, so having a handful of people in here means we should be able to categorize and clean up the archive pretty quickly!
I’m super thankful you’re all here and willing/excited to help out. More soon!