Hey friends, get on this! It’s super important to be able to compile this data, and Carsten is the best.
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Take the new Global Coworking Survey 2017
The Global Coworking Survey is back and accepting responses from owners, operators and members of coworking spaces. Every year Deskmag surveys the global coworking community asking new questions about developments, challenges, member satisfaction and more. Their responses, published into free reports, provide comprehensive results on the coworking movement.
The reports are shared online and at coworking events around the world. Making these results available to all is a public service to the industry, and reflects the spirit of sharing and collaboration inherent to coworking. The survey is anonymous.
We need your help to spread the word about the survey and collect as many responses as possible! The information we collect helps the entire coworking community better understand trends and how their businesses compare to the industry.
Interested in the results of the Global Coworking Survey? Complete the survey at www.coworkingsurvey.com and become an official supporter!
Thank you, your voice will be heard!
If you’d like to support our efforts by sharing the survey with your members or local community, we’d like to include you in our list of official supporters.
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CAMPAIGN ](http://deskmag.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d71e23829043a455aba2c81ae&id=655a4563a0&e=7ed22cf15f)MATERIALS
Do you need images to support the Global Coworking Survey? Click below to choose from pictures and to share them within your social networks.
<img alt="" src="https://gallery.mailchimp.com/d71e23829043a455aba2c81ae/images/cd7899cb-e39e-4187-989b-9c8ba61cbdab.png" width="264" style="max-width:627px;border:0;min-height:auto;outline:none;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:bottom">