This is a tricky one. ALL of my experience with lockers is that they are a place where stuff gets put, and then left, and then forgotten about forever.
We removed our lockable storage options (school lockers specifically) because that only exacerbated the issue - we’d do annual cleanouts only to learn that 80% of the lockers hadn’t been touched in 10 months 
What we’ve settled on now are:
1 - Full time members with dedicated desks are welcome to bring in a desk-side filing cabinet if they want. That’s theirs, with their belongings in it, and it goes home with them if/when they downgrade or leave
2 - For flex members who want to leave things in between visits, we have a limited number of clear plastic bins they can put things in. Clear discourages people from putting valuables in them, and makes sure we can easily see when bins are empty or idle. The rack is ~$40, and bins with/lids are $10/each.
The #1 mistake in community building is doing it by yourself.
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Let’s revisit this in 2018/19 — As we build out (we have limited open space by the desks – are resident members preferring a cabinet at their desk or are they ok with a wall of a few small lockers? We wish to be prudent and not waste money or space on items that people do not use.
On Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 9:48:25 AM UTC-6, Eli Malinsky wrote:
Hey all
Can anyone recommend good lockable storage solutions for members’
files and equipment? We’ve previously had a custom locker system built
and we’ve also used Ikea’s stuff, but we’re looking for other ideas…
any vendors or specific products you could recommend would be great.
Thanks muchly
Eli Malinsky
Centre for Social Innovation
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