Hey, all. I’m Adam.
So I’ve been running Indy Hall as the Point Man for just shy of 3 years, looking over this place and these people on a daily basis from January of 2011 to right now (and well beyond right now, I should hope). 3 years of facilitating relationships between new and old members, introducing newcomers to our community, saying goodbye to longstanding members who came before me, bumping into very human obstacles and guiding members through sometimes tough social situations, always toward a place in which we’re much tighter and stronger and better than where we came from.
I recently had a really great conversation with a friend about what it is that I do here at Indy Hall. Given that coworking is relatively “new” in the scheme of things, and given that it’s a burgeoning meta-community and industry in its own rite, she asked me who I turn to when I have questions, when I encounter something new.
That’s a long, winding answer. My reference points are ALL OVER the place, there’s not really anyone one, particular role model. Not really a coworking space manager that I look to for parallels or direct reference. Many of you on this forum are among reference points, but there’s a contingent missing from the Google Group: the person that most closely reflects me and what I do here at Indy Hall. I know that person and those people exist, but…where are they?
My friend, she’s a researcher type, and she points out that I’ve got this wealth of domain knowledge, this set of skills and attributes that I reflexively understand and act on every day to keep this community up and running. Things that I often take for granted, admittedly. Things I rarely think about because I’m not talking about them out loud with other people who do it, too.
She goes on to say that it sounds like I’m lacking a field, a network of people who share the same domain knowledge. A group of people like me. Where are those people?
I know the Google Group is primarily for/frequented by owners and prospective space owners, but where do the space managers go to talk to one another? The daily, boots on the ground, hired to be here community leader - where does she go for answers? Where do they go to learn and talk and share? Hell, where do they go to debrief and unwind after a long week of weird social situations? Who teaches them how to do what they’re doing?
Further, for owners and prospective owners: when you’re hiring for a coworking space manager, who are you looking toward and thinking, “yeah, I need that person”? When you do hire someone, who do you refer that person to in terms of a role model for the gig?
Where are the people like me? Who are they? I want to meet 'em.