Overwhelmed with new emails from the forum? Sorry!

First off - WELCOME to all of the new folks who’ve joined recently!

So, uh, there’s a good chance that you’ve already gotten more emails from this site than you bargained for.

WHOOPS! :grimacing: That’s not intended or normal, so please don’t run away screaming or unsubscribe from everything. I’m working to make this much, much better.

A couple of things that I’m working on:

1 - making sure that as we continue to re-categorize posts, that activity does NOT generate unnecessary emails (which it did, today). in the mean time, re-categorizing efforts are paused.

2 - putting together a guide to help you understand the default notification settings, and how to tweak them to your personal email preferences. this platform provides the ability to control the specific categories and subcategories you get emails about, or alternatively daily/weekly/etc summary emails.

Rather than unsubscribe directly, you may want to change this setting on specific categories (like introductions) that are overwhelming to you. You can do this on any category or subcategory page, and subcategories do need to be set separately. If you’re less interested in a category, I recommend either “Tracking” (which won’t send you as many emails) or “Normal.”

Again, thanks for your patience and understanding while I work out the kinks! Comments and questions welcome in the comments :slight_smile:
