Outdoor signage feedback

Looking for some feedback on my outdoor signage. I’m settled on the style and materials (36x72 vertical vinyl banner mounted to the side of the building), as I’m trying to stay consistent with the existing signage of my neighbor to respect the aesthetics of the front of the building. What I’m looking for is any feedback you have on the design of the graphics on the sign.

Here is an image of the sign made in Canva, plus a mockup where I Photoshopped my sign in place of my neighbor’s sign:

Thanks all :slight_smile:

Quick update on the final design, looking to get this printed in the next week or two:

I decided to drop “downtown olympia” because if you’re looking at this sign you’re already in downtown Olympia, and add “office” because there is still a large portion of the population that has no idea what you mean when you say “coworking”. I also removed the phone number because I’d rather have folks contact me via the website, presumably a bit more informed after looking at the basic details of the office.

Hi there-
I like the change - agree about the Downtown Olympia part, and also driving people to the website. I’m confused by the logo. Not sure what you’re trying to depict. My brain sees either a box with a large-nosed fox over it (sorry - not trying to be rude, just want you to know what is happening in my mind), or a video game character (box shape is the head and two trapezoids are the eyes) with a big feather hat. I really like the black circle, green background and white lines with increasing thickness. Just really unsure about the logo.

Haha that’s fair, it’s kind of a high-concept logo, I guess?? The box is meant to represent a cubicle, the star represents the star logo that the City of Olympia uses in a lot of its branding, and the form at the top is a plant growing out of the box. The plant at the top is vaguely E shaped and the negative space inside the cube vaguely W shaped, e.g. EverWorks. So one could say it represents “growing out and away from the standard cubicle and office format and into the more open, and ‘green’, world of sharing a space through coworking”.

ALL THAT SAID, I don’t expect anyone to get that other than me, and it’s just a nice piece of branding for my little coworking office :slight_smile: