My name is Annette, I am new to the community. I am going to open a coworking space in 2019. At this time, I am doing research to learn and prepare prior to opening. I am deciding to whether or not to have it women only or make it coed.
I want to create a community prior to opening my space. Have anyone done any Jelly Meetups? How did you market your meetup? What did you offer? How did you make it successful? How often did you meet? Where did you meet? How many hours? Include any other helpful information. The goal is to convert a larger percent into paid memberships.
I am hosting a small event for women tomorrow and would like to introduce the Jelly Meetup. How should I introduce and explain about coworking? I would like to survey what are their needs, location, and etc. Any suggestions on what I should include in the survey that is important for me to get to know my community desires better?
How did you get members and stay connected prior to opening?
Welcome again! Just to close the loop on your questions about Jelly, a few tips:
Consistency is critical.
You can experiment for as long as you need, but eventually it will be very helpful to maintain a regular schedule for your gatherings. People value that a lot.
Consider the Work Sprint format.
You’ll find details for this inside the Toolkit.
By adding some intentional structure for introductions and then focused work time, you give people a way to be social while also being more productive. This will offer value beyond someone simply working by themselves in a cafe and increase the chances they’ll want to come back.
This will also eventually be the kind of thing people will have to pay memberships to gain access to.
Let us know what other questions arise as you get more experience organizing!
On Nov 9, 2018, at 12:29 PM, Annette Ross-Webb [email protected] wrote:
Good Morning Everyone,
My name is Annette, I am new to the community. I am going to open a coworking space in 2019. At this time, I am doing research to learn and prepare prior to opening. I am deciding to whether or not to have it women only or make it coed.
I want to create a community prior to opening my space. Have anyone done any Jelly Meetups? How did you market your meetup? What did you offer? How did you make it successful? How often did you meet? Where did you meet? How many hours? Include any other helpful information. The goal is to convert a larger percent into paid memberships.
I am hosting a small event for women tomorrow and would like to introduce the Jelly Meetup. How should I introduce and explain about coworking? I would like to survey what are their needs, location, and etc. Any suggestions on what I should include in the survey that is important for me to get to know my community desires better?
How did you get members and stay connected prior to opening?
Annette Ross-Webb
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