Hello everyone,
After a long time of wanting to open up a coworking space I've finally gotten the initiative to begin building a community in one of the most competitive cities (San Francisco, California). How will I stand out from the rest? I am a professional Visual Effects artists and I've worked in some of the most prestigious commercial, film and tech companies in the United States and along with it came a great community of digital artists. Unlike New York City and Los Angeles that have a strong digital artist community, I find the bay area is more catered to the tech and medical industries however there is a market sitting there looking for a place to work. The digital artist nomads who design/ create and render those beautiful images of products / web / feature film and commercial work. The bay area is a hub for nomadic professionals and with this vfx networking I have I am trying to build a community here and targeting all the major art industries. I'm at the very beginning, rallying networking events at bars and began coworking nights using the help of meetup/ wework. I have a million questions and any feedback be great! I'm hungry and eager to open and do it correctly.
How did you market to begin growing your community?
How did you keep the community engaged?
Any advice on events I should host in order to keep momentum?
Is it too early to look for a space?
Funding? Sponsors?
What did you do for social media outreach?
Thank you for your time.
If interested in where I am, I have a meetup and a facebook group.