One for the coworking alliances (unfounded, new and established)

On Wednesday, @AshleyProctor and I will be co-producing an online summit for anyone currently in, interested in starting, or are looking to improve a coworking alliance.

We both see immense value in holding space so attendees can learn and collaborate with other coworking alliances around the world.

The Coworking Alliance Summit is online-only, on February 16th 2022 at 9AM PT · 12PM ET · 5PM UK · 6PM CET and is designed to be participatory, so the more you and your colleagues engage (with picking topics that matter to you, and asking questions and sharing your own experiences) the more you’ll be able to bring back home with you to your own communities.

With group, pay-what-you-can, pay-it-forward and industry professional tickets, we really wanted to make the Summit accessible for all.

Are you part of an alliance? Thinking of starting one in your region? Want to learn more about impactful collaboration? This Summit is for you!


Ashley has been involved with founding, leading, advising and growing coworking alliances around the world, and has shared often how much the success and sustainability of these local cooprative organizations mean to her.

I love working with groups of collaborative coworking leaders, learning from them, and helping connect them to people, tech and solutions that can help them amplify the benefits and adoption of coworking around the world. Learn more about why we’re hosting this Summit, why now and more here.

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