Hello all!
I am new to the group and so very thankful that it exists. I am working with a small group to open a co-working space in Memphis, TN that supports creatives called Wonder/ Cowork/ Create (Wonder CC for short). Memphis does not have a very large traditional co-working culture but that may not be the case for very long.
We are working towards opening a two-year pilot project in the fall to test whether Memphis can support a full-service creative co-working space. We worked out a deal with a landlord to let us rent the space for $1500 (utilities included) for two years. The space is in an up and coming neighborhood so at the end of the lease we may need to find a new space…but we may also realize that we need more space.
We want to set a high emphasis on programming that is partially generated by member skill sharing as well offer space for shows (art, music, literary, etc) and hosting workshops for needed skills that don’t exist within the membership. We are starting out in a 3,000 sq ft space that will have two private offices, a meeting room, 4 ish dedicated desks, and lots of movable furnishings so that part-time community members needs can shape the communal spaces.
Initially, we thought we would open as an LLC and then work towards managing our programming under a 501-c3. Now I am starting to wonder if we should open as an 501-c3 but worry about the two pilot project focus (i.e. putting all the work/time into getting that status if in two years we find that it doesn’t work out).
- Do any of you have any advice you can share on this matter?
- Do you know of/manage a co-working space that operates a hybrid model?
- If so, how did the organization first start out?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Cat Peña