Looking to interview coworking space members

Hi coworking friends!

I’m looking to interview a few members of coworking spaces who have a really compelling story to tell about someone they met at a coworking space who changed their life.

If you know of such a person in your community, could you direct them to this application? https://opencoworking.typeform.com/to/NaFik0

Interviews will be posted to the Coworking Blog as part of my work with Open Coworking to raise awareness of coworking as a social movement.

PS: We’re conducting a campaign to find our first 100 supporters and would love your help. Learn more here: http://opencoworking.org




Projects: Open CoworkingCotivation (read about it in Shareable!)

My new eBook: No More Sink Full of Mugs

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*See you in Milan? Coworking Europe is November 11-13. Use code *CWE15Affiliate19 for a discount!