My coworking facility, MatchBOX Coworking Studio, is looking for an awesome Cheif Operating Officer. If you know of anyone in your networks have them go to
Hey Dennis,
Why are you guys looking for a COO verse a community manager? This is a position you are creating to really drive growth with multiple locations or is it more like a community manager role?
I’m just curious.
Being a community manager is an important aspect but we want to take that to the next level and in order to do that we think we need someone with a higher skill set and a person that will take greater responsibility for all needs and outcomes of MatchBOX. We don’t have plans for other locations. We just want MatchBOX and the community to be the best it can be so that it can be sustainable.
On Mar 2, 2015, at 2:14 PM, Craig Baute - Creative Density Coworking [email protected] wrote:
Hey Dennis,
Why are you guys looking for a COO verse a community manager? This is a position you are creating to really drive growth with multiple locations or is it more like a community manager role?
I’m just curious.
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