Hi! New here and new to the coworking space. I have purchased an existing space and I’m sure I’ll have lots of questions as I get my feet under me!
Hey Rena!
Congrats on the new property. I ran one of our coworking market research reports that we do for DenSwap for a zip code in Davenport, 52806. This may or may not be your zip code, but it shows that the zip code can support around 17,000 SF of coworking with Mid-Range Flex or Modern Executive Suite as likely options.
The 15-minute drive range is really appealing with over 18,000 people that could be customers.
Based on this information I think you’ll have a good sense of which direction you should go once you do some competitive research.
I’ve run my own spaces in Denver and Chicago called Creative Density for 10 years. I’m always happy to help.