I love when journalists actually TRY Coworking instead of just writing about it


Hyphen notwithstanding, this is a great example of people’s expectations of coworking…juxtaposed against the realities.

In the last year, we’ve STRONGLY encouraged a couple of our local beat reporters who have written about us extensively before to actually try working with us for a day or two.

Both remarked independently how different it was from what they expected (for similar reasons as the person in this article) but also, subsequently wrote excellent pieces about their experience.

When you’re courting the press and trying to help your local community find out about Coworking, this is going to be MUCH more effective than the usual “this is a cheap, flexible new way to work” stories that journos typically write.




This is a great piece, thanks for sharing, Alex.

I thought I’d add a link to a piece in APM’s Marketplace from a few weeks ago in which we invited a reporter to try coworking from her apartment in Brooklyn as a beta test of our online coworking community, SpareChair.

The same thing happened that you describe, Sally seemed very pleasantly surprised at how beneficial she and her guest coworkers found the experience.

It’s a great idea to encourage business reporters to give coworking a try, they seem to always enjoy it write a great piece about your coworking business.


On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 2:29:46 PM UTC-5, Alex Hillman wrote:


Hyphen notwithstanding, this is a great example of people’s expectations of coworking…juxtaposed against the realities.

In the last year, we’ve STRONGLY encouraged a couple of our local beat reporters who have written about us extensively before to actually try working with us for a day or two.

Both remarked independently how different it was from what they expected (for similar reasons as the person in this article) but also, subsequently wrote excellent pieces about their experience.

When you’re courting the press and trying to help your local community find out about Coworking, this is going to be MUCH more effective than the usual “this is a cheap, flexible new way to work” stories that journos typically write.

