Merci. Il était difficile d’ouvrir un espace de loin, et en français. Mais nous sommes ouverts, et mon employé est incroyable - et bilingue!
Bon de voir que vous avez contacté vos représentants de la ville et distribué des dépliants. Ce est dur d’être la seule personne. Peut-être un de vos membres peut vous aider à planifier des événements? Ou peut-être que vous pouvez offrir une bourse de travail pour quelqu’un pour vous aider et vous offre l’utilisation gratuite de l’espace? La pire chose à faire dans coworking est de l’essayer seul.
On 17 March 2015 at 16:30, Kim Auclair [email protected] wrote:
Merci Rachel pour ces recommandations. J’ai récemment contacté la ville de Beauport pour qu’ils fassent une visite, le député de la ville et distribué des dépliants ( marketing traditionnel ). J’organise beaucoup de déjeuner-causerie. Je suis encore seule dans la gestion de toutes ces activités alors je dois le limiter. Ça avance toutefois et je suis très contente des résultats. Je te tiens au courant
Bravo pour l’ouverture à La Prairie. Wow.
Le 2015-03-17 à 13:50, rachel young [email protected] a écrit :
Salut Kim!
In addition to what you’re already doing and Chad’s great ideas, I would also recommend:
- do some traditional promotion tactics - yesterday we opened a new Camaraderie location in La Prairie, QC, and those who came in for a tour received the postcard that we mailed out, so maybe your neighbours will also be receptive to receiving traditional mail
- get out of your space to entice people to visit your space - offer to speak at the local cégep about entrepreneurship, attend tech and small business events, organise a day when you and your members can do something visible in the community (like an Earth Day clean up and supply the garbage bags and invite volunteers to come back to the coworking space afterwards for hot chocolate)
- sponsor a business event or conference - you can even offer an exchange where you help with promotion for the event to get your name listed as a sponsor
- let your members be the focus of your media interviews - keep talking with local media and when possible have your members be interviewed and they can talk about how working in the space has benefited them
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rachel youngrac…
We’re located at 2241 Dundas St W, 3rd floor
(between Bloor and Roncesvalles)
Find us online:
Website/blog and Newsletter, Twitter,
Facebook, Google+, Yelp, and LinkedIn
New Camaraderie locations:
La Prairie (Quebec) - now open
Port Credit (Mississauga) - summer 2015
We’re a proud member of CoworkingToronto,
CoworkingOntario, and CoworkingCanada!
rachel youngrac…
We’re located at 2241 Dundas St W, 3rd floor
(between Bloor and Roncesvalles)
Find us online:
Website/blog and Newsletter, Twitter,
Facebook, Google+, Yelp, and LinkedIn
New Camaraderie locations:
La Prairie (Quebec) - now open
Port Credit (Mississauga) - summer 2015
We’re a proud member of CoworkingToronto,
CoworkingOntario, and CoworkingCanada!
On 14 March 2015 at 10:45, Chad Ballantyne [email protected] wrote:
Hi Kim,
Here are a few things that will help from a marketing/optics standpoint:
Change every picture on your site to include real live people.
If you are marketing it as a coworking space, move the marketing services (web design, graphics, etc) to another page or market them via your company that does this. If they are the same, you will cause some confusion. Under Services you then could list, Space to work, meet, learn, etc
Add a english version on the site for those not using a browser with translation tools.
You could partner with a coffee shop in the downtown to run an Open Coffee Club, startup Drinks, ‘trepMixer, etc.
Events are always a good way to introduce folks to your space/vision.
L’Espace Créatif!
Chad Ballantyne
Barrie’s Coworking Community
Perfect for small businesses, startups and entrepreneurs.
12 Dunlop St E, Barrie Ontario, L4M 1A3
Memberships start at $25/mth
On Mar 14, 2015, at 6:55 AM, Kim Auclair [email protected] wrote:
Hello. I have a coworking space in Quebec City which is away from downtown. I am looking for new ideas to market locally and thus recruit more regular members.
It is, more specifically, the small commercial building with my father I quietly rebuke. I hold for the moment the basement.
The advantages of my co-working space are:
- Warm atmosphere (that’s what people say)
- Situté next to a primary school. So balancing family and work for self-employed and start-cartier entrepreneurs. Children sometimes come to join their parents to leave home later
- Coaching and Mentoring for Free regular members
Here’s what I’ve done so far:
- Events: These are small events that brings together 20 people max. People come from all over Quebec. It allows you to know otherwise. I made also with local contractors.
- Provide Web Visibility (blog, social media, etc.) and mentoring for regular members
- Contact local newspapers to talk about my coworking space - what worked
Do you have any other ideas?
(Sorry for my English. I’m not 100% bilingual)
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