Hello From Sunny California

Hi Everyone. I work at a Coworking office in sunny Santa Barbara. We offer student rates, hourly packages and 24/7 access to our multiple locations. As a community manager I want to immerse myself more in he Coworking realm and share what has worked for our space and learn what others are doing to further their success in their spaces. If you have any questions or just want to brainstorm, say hello. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, reading, and going for bike rides along the coast. It’s starting to warm up finally and I’m looking forward to the better So Cal weather!


This is Mohammad from Rabinex co-working space located in Esfahan,Iran. Nice to meet you and I’m glad to hear about this topic.

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Hey Joaquin! Welcome to the community. Everyone is great here.

I also suggest you check out thisweekincoworking.com as a resource as well as the blog we run at Coworks.

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Thanks @LWalker I’ll check out both of those links. There’s so much information and good ideas to implement.