Getting Started in Roslindale and you're invited!

I’m in the very early stages of bringing a coworking space to Roslindale, and I’ve been learning a LOT from the posts I’m reading here, so thanks everyone for contributing to the knowledge base and sharing your experiences.

I’d love your help! On Monday, March 21 at 7pm I’m hosting an informational meeting at the Roslindale Community Center and I’m reaching out to founders and operators to attend this meeting. It would be invaluable to have you there to share your experience getting started, your knowledge of coworking models, and to answer questions, It would also be awesome if members of coworking communities could come to speak to their experience as well. This will be a very informal gathering - the purpose is to harness the energy which I think is here, and to gather a group to help move the initiative forward.

I’ve attached a flier promoting the event, and also here is the link to the Facebook Page where you can RSVP for the meeting. If you feel moved to share this info with others, I’d be grateful! Other suggestions to get the word out about this meeting are welcome! (Roslindale Village Main Streets will include an announcement in the next two newsletters, and also will share with their listserve)

Many Thanks!


Coworkers Community Meeting.pdf (1.26 MB)