Following up on Coworking Symposium 2020 - Research track

Hi. Coworking Symposium is live as I type: (the Research Track is happening now. Not sure if the organizers are OK with sharing direct link, so feel free to pop in below, organizers).

Wanna share, discuss, in a more quiet/stable/durable/asynchronous place than the webinar’s chat? It is here :kissing_heart:

Since not all speakers return a hit (yet :p) on, shout out to Viktoria Heinzel (Pepler)'s work. I am looking forward to explore deeper (!) (thanks to DeepL in my case ^^)

Please dear speakers, do reference at least one (your latest, your best) paper on the Library, to densify and make this conversation more sustainable :pray:t5:

hi, i can’t find the registration link!

@BernieJMitchell et al. will share link to replay soon I guess.