Has anyone here had experience working with Wayfair design services to develop their interior aesthetic, select furniture, and fit out their space? We are looking to open a location and considering using them. Any past experience with their interior design team would be helpful. Thanks!
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We did our own design with some minor help from them but we made extensive purchases from Wayfair for our open lounge and bar areas. We purchased our desks from Fully. Overall good experience and good customer service. Iād be happy to speak with you if you want to give me a call.
Hi Adam,
I would recommend going with someone to assist with your design ideas that is not affiliated with a certain product or store- they tend to lean towards everything being purchased from them and I get much better deals looking on my own- I am also a professional stager for Realtors in my area- design is fun for me but maybe not for you? Best of luck!