So, the unit across the hall from our coworking office recently became available, it was a very good price and we’re starting to get a bit crowded, so we decided to go ahead and pull the trigger and sign a lease on it. I’m not seeing the buildout as being too complicated, but I’m wondering if anyone else has done something simliar where they expanded into a new space that there isn’t a direct connection to. Were there any challenges that you weren’t expecting? Did you make an effort to differentiate the two spaces and why someone might use one and not the other? If so, how did members respond? I’m just a little wary of one of them becoming known as “the good space” and being way more popular.
Every one I’ve seen has developed a “quiet and focused” vs “active and social” dichotomy.
Different people want different things. Wouldn’t it be fun to do a collab session with your members to play with how you might craft the cultures of the spaces intentionally together?
So, the unit across the hall from our coworking office recently became available, it was a very good price and we’re starting to get a bit crowded, so we decided to go ahead and pull the trigger and sign a lease on it. I’m not seeing the buildout as being too complicated, but I’m wondering if anyone else has done something simliar where they expanded into a new space that there isn’t a direct connection to. Were there any challenges that you weren’t expecting? Did you make an effort to differentiate the two spaces and why someone might use one and not the other? If so, how did members respond? I’m just a little wary of one of them becoming known as “the good space” and being way more popular.