Coworking Visa- Washington D.C

I can’t seem to find Washington D.C. Coworking spaces on the Wiki - am I completely missing them?

I’m trying to direct a member to spaces to visit that accept his “coworking visa”.

Please Advise! :slight_smile:


Hello Mychael,

I’m sorry that you’re having trouble locating DC coworking spaces on the Wiki. I checked it out and you’re right–there are none listed under the Coworking Visa page for Washington DC. That being said, I would suggest reaching out individually to spaces listed under Washington DC in the general coworking directory, and asking if they are willing to participate. It may just be that they haven’t officially added themselves to the Visa section: In my experience, most spaces are more than happy to accept a visitor for a day, especially if you tell them you’re a member elsewhere.

Here’s another resource from Deskmag about spaces in DC: Coworking in Washington DC, the Nation’s Capital.

Hope that helps!



On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 8:37:16 AM UTC-6, Mychael Taylor wrote:

I can’t seem to find Washington D.C. Coworking spaces on the Wiki - am I completely missing them?

I’m trying to direct a member to spaces to visit that accept his “coworking visa”.

Please Advise! :slight_smile:
