Coworking in Brazil

Hello, coworkers!

How are you?

It has more than a year since I’ve heard about coworking for the first time.

I’m so glad to talk about the growth of the community and the number of spaces

created in Brazil since 2008, specially the past year.

We are already 12 spaces across the country, 9 of them created between dec 2009 and

dec 2010, a number four times higher than last year. Brazil is the country with the largest

number of coworking spaces in Latin America.

There are 5 spaces in São Paulo (SP), 3 in Minas Gerais (MG), 1 in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 1 in Goiânia (GO)

and one in Curitiba (PR), which are:

There are some initiatives to create new spaces in other cities, that probably will increase the

number of the spaces here. It’s so nice! =)

I’d like to thank you all, because nothing couldn’t be done without you. I’d like to thank, specially,

Jacob Sayles, from Office Nomads, who came to Rio de Janeiro about a year ago and have some

beer with me.

If I have to choose one word to describe the coworking community, it is AWESOME.

YOU are AWESOME. :wink:

Thank you!

Best regards,
Mobile: +55 21 8464-3958(OI)

SkypeID: cadudecastroalves

****BeesOffice - Espaço de Coworking RJ - Unidade: Centro

Rua Teófilo Otoni, 52/1203, Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP: 20090-070 - Brasil

Tel./Fax: +55 21 2233-5126

Cadu de Castro Alves

*Antes de imprimir pense em seu compromisso com o Meio Ambiente.
*Before printing think about your commitment with the Environment.

“O emitente desta mensagem é responsável por seu conteúdo e endereçamento. Cabe ao destinatário cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. Sem a devida autorização, a divulgação, a reprodução, a distribuição ou qualquer outra ação em desconformidade com as normas internas do BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking são proibidas e passíveis de sanção disciplinar, cível e criminal.”

“The sender of this message is responsible for its content and addressing. The receiver shall take proper care of it. Without due authorization, the publication, reproduction, distribution or the performance of any other action not conforming to BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking internal policies and procedures is forbidden and liable to disciplinary, civil or criminal sanctions.”

“El emisor de este mensaje es responsable por su contenido y direccionamiento. Cabe al destinatario darle el tratamiento adecuado. Sin la debida autorización, su divulgación, reproducción, distribución o cualquier otra acción no conforme a las normas internas del BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking están prohibidas y serán pasibles de sanción disciplinaria, civil y penal.”

Hello everyone!

Coworking is growing very fast in Brazil! Congrats!

I hope the rest of Latin America to grow too
Here in Argentina there are only 3 spaces but we are working hard to
disseminate what is coworking and create new places.

Ignacio Miranda

Workstation coworking Buenos Aires


On Dec 3, 1:13 pm, Cadu de Castro Alves <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello, coworkers!

How are you?

It has more than a year since I've heard about coworking for the first time.
I'm so glad to talk about the growth of the community and the number of spaces
created in Brazil since 2008, specially the past year.

We are already 12 spaces across the country, 9 of them created between dec 2009 and
dec 2010, a number four times higher than last year. Brazil is the country with the largest
number of coworking spaces in Latin America.

There are 5 spaces in São Paulo (SP), 3 in Minas Gerais (MG), 1 in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 1 in Goiânia (GO)
and one in Curitiba (PR), which are:

- Pto de Contato (SP), which has 2 spaces and was the first coworking space in Brazil.
- The Hub (SP)
- Beans! Coworking (SP)
- JuntoSP (SP)
- Estúdio Capanema (SP)
- Coolwork (MG)
- CWK Coworking (MG)
- Work Espaço Business (MG)
- Aldeia Coworking (PR)
- Teto Workspace (GO)
- BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking (RJ), the space which I work and manage.

There are some initiatives to create new spaces in other cities, that probably will increase the
number of the spaces here. It's so nice! =)

I'd like to thank you all, because nothing couldn't be done without you. I'd like to thank, specially,
Jacob Sayles, from Office Nomads, who came to Rio de Janeiro about a year ago and have some
beer with me.

If I have to choose one word to describe the coworking community, it is AWESOME.
YOU are AWESOME. :wink:

Thank you!

Best regards,

Cadu de Castro Alves
Mobile: +55 21 8464-3958(OI)
SkypeID: cadudecastroalves

BeesOffice - Espaço de Coworking RJ - Unidade: Centro
Rua Teófilo Otoni, 52/1203, Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP: 20090-070 - Brasil
Tel./Fax: +55 21
*Antes de imprimir pense em seu compromisso com o Meio Ambiente.
*Before printing think about your commitment with the Environment.

"O emitente desta mensagem é responsável por seu conteúdo e endereçamento. Cabe ao destinatário cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. Sem a devida autorização, a divulgação, a reprodução, a distribuição ou qualquer outra ação em desconformidade com as normas internas do BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking são proibidas e passíveis de sanção disciplinar, cível e criminal."

"The sender of this message is responsible for its content and addressing. The receiver shall take proper care of it. Without due authorization, the publication, reproduction, distribution or the performance of any other action not conforming to BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking internal policies and procedures is forbidden and liable to disciplinary, civil or criminal sanctions."

"El emisor de este mensaje es responsable por su contenido y direccionamiento. Cabe al destinatario darle el tratamiento adecuado. Sin la debida autorización, su divulgación, reproducción, distribución o cualquier otra acción no conforme a las normas internas del BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking están prohibidas y serán pasibles de sanción disciplinaria, civil y penal."


Inauguramos nosso coworking próximo a Av. Paulista, chamado VIP Office.

Segue o site para você conhecer.

Quando estiver por São Paulo, venha conhecer.




We inaugurated our coworking next to AV. Paulista, called VIP Office.

here is the site for you to meet.

When you’re in São Paulo, come meet.

Thiago Augusto Baffi
E-mail: Thi…


Em sexta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2010 14h13min12s UTC-2, Cadu de Castro Alves escreveu:

Hello, coworkers!

How are you?

It has more than a year since I’ve heard about coworking for the first time.

I’m so glad to talk about the growth of the community and the number of spaces

created in Brazil since 2008, specially the past year.

We are already 12 spaces across the country, 9 of them created between dec 2009 and

dec 2010, a number four times higher than last year. Brazil is the country with the largest

number of coworking spaces in Latin America.

There are 5 spaces in São Paulo (SP), 3 in Minas Gerais (MG), 1 in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 1 in Goiânia (GO)

and one in Curitiba (PR), which are:

  • Pto de Contato (SP), which has 2 spaces and was the first coworking space in Brazil.
  • BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking (RJ), the space which I work and manage.

There are some initiatives to create new spaces in other cities, that probably will increase the

number of the spaces here. It’s so nice! =)

I’d like to thank you all, because nothing couldn’t be done without you. I’d like to thank, specially,

Jacob Sayles, from Office Nomads, who came to Rio de Janeiro about a year ago and have some

beer with me.

If I have to choose one word to describe the coworking community, it is AWESOME.

YOU are AWESOME. :wink:

Thank you!

Best regards,

Mobile: +55 21 8464-3958(OI)

SkypeID: cadudecastroalves

****BeesOffice - Espaço de Coworking RJ - Unidade: Centro

Rua Teófilo Otoni, 52/1203, Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP: 20090-070 - Brasil

Tel./Fax: +55 21 2233-5126

Cadu de Castro Alves

*Antes de imprimir pense em seu compromisso com o Meio Ambiente.
*Before printing think about your commitment with the Environment.

“O emitente desta mensagem é responsável por seu conteúdo e endereçamento. Cabe ao destinatário cuidar quanto ao tratamento adequado. Sem a devida autorização, a divulgação, a reprodução, a distribuição ou qualquer outra ação em desconformidade com as normas internas do BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking são proibidas e passíveis de sanção disciplinar, cível e criminal.”

“The sender of this message is responsible for its content and addressing. The receiver shall take proper care of it. Without due authorization, the publication, reproduction, distribution or the performance of any other action not conforming to BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking internal policies and procedures is forbidden and liable to disciplinary, civil or criminal sanctions.”

“El emisor de este mensaje es responsable por su contenido y direccionamiento. Cabe al destinatario darle el tratamiento adecuado. Sin la debida autorización, su divulgación, reproducción, distribución o cualquier otra acción no conforme a las normas internas del BeesOffice Espaço de Coworking están prohibidas y serán pasibles de sanción disciplinaria, civil y penal.”