Amid all the shut downs and social distancing some people may be concerned about the impact on their coworking spaces. While under extreme circumstances it could be impactful, for now coworking spaces offer a good local community space and aid in the ‘stay local’ and social distancing campaigns.
In Austin many tech companies have asked employees to work from home - some of those employees for various reasons opt for a coworking space instead. This may be counter intuitive but from the companies perspective simply having the workforce distributed makes a lot of sense. If everyone was in a single campus you could easily have the virus spread throughout the company causing a huge impact. Fact is a 60 person or so coworking space is a lot easier to manage, disinfect, and a smaller pool of people are at risk than in a 1000+ person campus.
Ironically this has been an appeal of coworking for a while. End the commute. Work close to home. If we all stop moving about and health officials can contain the places it flares up then we have a chance of slowing the roll so our hospitals can manage the most extreme cases.
Stay safe out there, wash your hands, and wipe down surfaces with disinfectant regularly.
disclaimer: this is just my 2 cents, I’m not a healthcare professional listen to the CDC and local healthcare officials over this or any other opinion piece.