Commercial property managers conference?

Is there a conference for commercial real estate property managers? I’m interested in learning how to think more like that, especially finance, operations, and strategy.



Alex Linsker | Business Owner

Collective Agency

(503) 517-6900 office | (503) 369-9174 mobile

3050 SE Division, Suite 245 | Portland Oregon 97202

1410 SW Morrison, Suite 850 | Portland Oregon 97205


You might look into an IEDC course. They offer a lot of different courses but this one has to do with the development of real estate.

Kinsey Larsen

Regional Mobility & Veterans Service Coordinator

Tri County Economic Development District

[email protected]

(509) 684-4571


Is there a conference for commercial real estate property managers? I’m interested in learning how to think more like that, especially finance, operations, and strategy.


Alex Linsker | Business Owner

Collective Agency

(503) 517-6900 office | (503) 369-9174 mobile

3050 SE Division, Suite 245 | Portland Oregon 97202

1410 SW Morrison, Suite 850 | Portland Oregon 97205

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