"Innovative aspects of Coworking – lessons learned for restructuring the future work environment as part of innovation management",

Cäcilie Lotz Los Angeles November 2018

The digital lifestyle, the feeling of freedom and globalization offer

many new possibilities, ways and methods to work, regardless of place

and time. Coworking spaces become a third place for freelance and

remote workers, a location, in which they aim for company, community

and networking – away from home. The growth and rise of Coworking

spaces and, more recently also Coliving Spaces, recently updated

definitions for terms such as digital nomads and other relevant factors

reflect the significance and its impact for a future oriented and

flexible work- life- situation and lifestyle.

As part of my research for my bachelor thesis “INOVVATIVE ASPECTS OF

COWORKING – lessons learned for structuring the work environment as

part of innovation management” I have reflected various Coworking

arrangements in Berlin, Copenhagen, San Francisco, New York and Los

Angeles and their innovative concepts as well as interviewed over 40

remote workers worldwide to evaluate their explicit needs, wants and


This issue is highly recommended concerning its impact on topics such

as digitization globalization, flexibility, connectivity, coworking,

knowledge management, innovation management system, future workforce,

human resource policy.

This little infographic displays my research. Hope you enjoy it and I

would love to discuss on further topics, such as innovative aspects

of the future work environment, how innovation, entrepreneurship and

creativity are fostered or how you enhance your employees’ work– life
