Hello, I'm new to this group!

Hi everyone, here’s just a post to say hi!

I’ve been browsing this group for awhile now but I guess its time to really start interacting and contributing instead of just “lurking around”.

I’ve actually been trying to find more coworking related facebook groups to join, but the interactions seem to be minimal. Do recommend me some good coworking facebook groups if you guys know of them :slight_smile: Because so far, this group is definitely still the most active and beneficial one out there haha! (which is awesome)

Hope to share and learn more about coworking with all of you!



I have really enjoyed everyones feedback and ideas! Do you guys rent or own your space?

I’m having a hard time with zoning rules in my area so it will have to be commercial space, which means I’ll need to put 20% down.

Looking at spaces though and it is very exciting - I wish you all lots of luck with your spaces.


On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 11:28 AM, [email protected] wrote:

Hi everyone, here’s just a post to say hi!

I’ve been browsing this group for awhile now but I guess its time to really start interacting and contributing instead of just “lurking around”.

I’ve actually been trying to find more coworking related facebook groups to join, but the interactions seem to be minimal. Do recommend me some good coworking facebook groups if you guys know of them :slight_smile: Because so far, this group is definitely still the most active and beneficial one out there haha! (which is awesome)

Hope to share and learn more about coworking with all of you!



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Teelah Hall | Better Self Basket, LLC | Follow on Facebook
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